Accessibility Policy


The Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act (2005) (“AODA”) was developed with the purpose of developing, implementing and enforcing accessibility standards across Ontario in order to achieve accessibility for persons with disabilities with respect to the provision of, and access to, goods and services.

“General Principles” outlined in AODA are:

Dignity – Goods and services are provided in a manner that is respectful to persons with disabilities and does not diminish the person’s importance

Independence – Accommodating a person’s disability means respecting their right to do for themselves and to choose the way they wish to receive goods and services

Integration – Persons with a disability can access all goods and services. This may require alternative formats and a flexible approach. It means inclusiveness and full participation. This is a fundamental human right.

Equal Opportunity – Services are provided to persons with disabilities in a way that their opportunity to access goods and services is equal to that given to others.

CORE ARCHITECTS INC.’s Accessibility Policy is guided by the above general principles and applies to the delivery of all services in the Province of Ontario by CORE ARCHITECTS INC., by any means, including in person, by telephone, electronically, by mail, visually, verbally or by written means.  This policy applies to all CORE ARCHITECTS INC. employees and contingent workers (agency, independent contractors, third party, joint venture employees, volunteers etc.), and third parties who interact with the public on behalf of CORE ARCHITECTS INC.

For the purposes of this policy and as per our compliance requirements, this Policy will only address the Customer Service Standards of the AODA.

Accessible Customer Service Plan – Policy and Procedures
Providing goods and services to people with disabilities

CORE ARCHITECTS INC. is committed to excellence in serving all customers including people with disabilities.

Assistive devices

Personal assistive devices and technologies are permitted in all areas of CORE ARCHITECTS INC.’s offices. In the event a person with a disability is hindered, for any reason, from accessing CORE ARCHITECTS INC.’s services, CORE ARCHITECTS INC. will assist the individual by providing an alternative where possible.  CORE ARCHITECTS INC. will train, on an ongoing basis, current and future employees and contingent workers in the use of assistive devices and technologies.


CORE ARCHITECTS INC. will communicate with people with disabilities in ways that take into account their disability.  In doing so, CORE ARCHITECTS INC. will:

  1. Train employees on how to interact and communicate with persons with disabilities,
  2. Offer reasonable alternative communication formats that will meet the needs of the individual, and
  3. Provide documents that will meet the needs of the client in a timely fashion.

Service animals

CORE ARCHITECTS INC. welcomes people with disabilities and their service animals. Service animals are allowed in any area of CORE ARCHITECTS INC.’s office that is not prohibited by law. In the event access to services for an individual with disabilities is hindered due to a potential health or safety risk in allowing service animals in the office– as an example if an individual has severe allergies to animals –CORE ARCHITECTS INC. will accommodate the individual by providing an alternative arrangement where possible.  For example delivery of service at an alternative time/location.

Support persons

A person with a disability who is accompanied by a support person will be allowed to have that person accompany them to CORE ARCHITECTS INC.’s offices.  Fees will not be charged by CORE ARCHITECTS INC. for support persons.

In the event confidential or proprietary information relating to CORE ARCHITECTS INC. and its services are discussed, CORE ARCHITECTS INC. reserves the right to request support persons to sign a confidentiality or non-disclosure agreement to allow support persons to accompany the person with a disability.

Notice of temporary service or facility disruptions

In the event of a temporary disruption that would limit persons with disabilities from gaining access to CORE ARCHITECTS INC.’s services or facilities, CORE ARCHITECTS INC. will post a notice conspicuously and appropriately at the location of the disruption and on its website. Such notice will include the reason for the disruption, its anticipated duration and a description of available alternative facilities or services, if any. When disruption is planned, advance notice will be given.


CORE ARCHITECTS INC. will provide accessible customer service training to employees, volunteers and others who deal with the public or other third parties on its behalf.  Training will also be provided to people involved in the development of policies, plans, practices and procedures related to the provision of CORE ARCHITECTS INC.’s goods and services.

Principals, Partners, Senior Associates, Associates, Project Managers and other Senior Leadership are responsible for ensuring that all employees and contingent workers are trained. Human Resources will assist in supporting compliance with education materials and reporting.

Training will include:

  1. An overview of the AODA and the requirements of the customer service standard,
  2. The Human Rights Code as it pertains to people with disabilities,
  3. CORE ARCHITECTS INC.’s plan related to the customer service standard,
  4. How to interact and communicate with people with various types of disabilities,
  5. How to interact with people with disabilities who use an assistive device or require the assistance of a guide dog or other service animal or of a support person,
  6. The location of and instruction in the use of the available equipment or devices that may assist with the provision of services to persons with disabilities
  7. How to use the equipment or devices available on-site or otherwise that may help with providing goods or services to people with disabilities.
  8. What to do if a person with a disability is having difficulty in accessing CORE ARCHITECTS INC.’s goods, services or facilities.

All staff will be trained on Accessible Customer Service within 30 days after being hired as well as whenever changes are made to the accessible customer service plan.

Feedback process

CORE ARCHITECTS INC. welcomes feedback with regards to the delivery of its services to persons with disabilities and will use such feedback to identify and improve areas that require change for continuous service improvement. Feedback may be provided in person by persons with disabilities directly to CORE ARCHITECTS INC., by phone, or in writing, addressed to Human Resources via email, mail or fax:

317 Adelaide St. West, Suite 600
Toronto, ON   M5V 1P9
Phone: 416-343-0400
Fax: 416-343-0401
[email protected]

Notice of availability

All documents related to accessible customer service, including this policy, notices of temporary disruptions, training and training records and feedback processes are available upon request subject to the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act. When providing these documents to a person with a disability, CORE ARCHITECTS INC. will endeavour to provide the document, or the information contained in the document, in a format that takes into account the person’s disability in a timely manner.

Last updated December 2023